How to Earn Blog Money
Guest post by Peter Lastoria
If you want to blog to make money then you must know what you want your blog to be about. Blogging is a wonderful thing that the internet gave to the people so we can all share our ideas and knowledge without having to pay for it.
The first thing you want to know is what topic you want to blog about. It could be anything at all and the more specific it is, the better results you can get. I will explain why in a second. So it would make sense to blog about an interest or passion you have. Maybe you enjoy playing guitar so you should blog about guitar lessons. Trust me it works wonders.
Now once you know your topic you must research to see what the balance of supply and demand is. Meaning how many people want to learn about this topic, and how many websites are providing the information. I find the most efficient way of doing this is to use a keyword tool. You should go to Google and use their Adwords tool. Type in your topic and be specific. Then go down the list of keywords. It makes it so easy a little kid can do it. It is best to pick a keyword that has a lot of people searching for it but not as much competition. That means if you use that keyword that must be relevant to your topic. You can eventually get a lot of those people who want to learn about the topic because you will be one of the few supplying it and your blog will get ranked high on SEs. Make sense? So use a few keywords that have little competition but a descent amount of people wanting to learn about it. Use them in your title, keywords section, or description. That is what blogging to make money is all about!
So once you have an excellent topic that has a good (we will call it) supply/demand ratio you have got the hard part over with. Now time to blog to make money. Write a lot of rich content about your passion or interest and let your fingers do the typing. Content is King! You also want to make sure you post regularly. Just do at least one post a day.
Now in order to make some money you want to post some ads relevant to your topic. So the easiest ways to do this is to find companies that produce products relevant to your blog. Sign up for their affiliate program and use their banners and the link you get and post on your blog. Also get some Adsense, and do not worry because Adsense automatically has ads relevant to your site. So that is just a simple outline to blog to make money.
Finally you are going to want to spread the word about your blog. There are several ways of doing this. Post articles just like you would in your blog to article directories like e-zine articles. Go on forums that have something to do with your topic and leave a comment with your link at the end. Basically just go to as many SEs and directories as you can and post your link so people will visit your site.
Author Bio
There is a brand new product that explains everything you need to know about blog money. If you Click Here I will show you a review of it and share a secret that will knock $10 off the price!
7:56 PM |
A Guide to Making Money with a Home Business
You can achieve freedom when you successfully start your own home business and make money online fast. There are different types of home businesses that you can start. The best way for you to figure out what type of business is to grab the free info that we offer to you and I'm sure that you will succeed with your home business. When help is needed it will be provided. One thing to take into consideration is that when you start to make the big bucks you probably will have problems maintaining it, in which then you could hire someone to help you, it could be a friend or a family member.
The current world money crisis has caused many people to be without work. Some people might just be disappointed about their current salary and may want an extra source of income or just looking to leave the world the world of extremely hard work. Setting up a successfully home business has nothing to do with why you would want to start the business.
The best thing is you will be your own boss and have control over how much money you make online. Now doesn't that sound good? I'm sure it does. But that's not all. You could choose your work time and don't have to worry about a boss breathing down your neck. You won't need a dress code because a t-shirt and shorts will do just fine. Those are just a few of the endless opportunities u will have when you start you home business and start making fast money online.
The different types of home business opportunities are too much to mention. But affiliate programs, telecommuting and forex trading is just a start. A way to describe an affiliate program is - where you can sell a product which could be your own or someone else's own using one of the different organizations. The way the programs are set up, very little work from you will be required but the money will be rolling in without anything extra on your part. One major thing that will have a big effect on your affiliate programs is traffic/visitors. Get lots of visitors and then offer them exactly what they want.
Telecommuting is a home business you could consider. It's like your normal job but you will be doing it from home instead. You will be working for companies expect you to work by their guidelines. You will definitely have to put in time to make money. You could start this kind of business but I would advise you to become an affiliate of some sort.
Beware or scams. Trusted sites like this one are where you would want to get legit money making tips from. You should be wary of anyone who asks for payment for processing fees or other clerical fees. These people are normally people looking to scam you out of your money. I've been scammed couple times before, so I try to help avoid hard working individuals of getting the same treatment like me. If you find a company not will to give out a lot of info or you have to pay them for it.
Author Bio:
Khareem Cabey is the owner of I'll help you make money online fast
12:26 AM |
The 27-Day Affiliate Training HQ Course
Getting into affiliate marketing? Not until you have learned everything you need know about how to make money with affiliate marketing. There are a lot of e-books and guide that teach your about affiliate marketing but it will cost you money to get those e-books or resources.
However, there is one comprehensive affiliate course 'The 27-Day Affiliate Training HQ' available free on the Internet recently. Just like those paid e-books, the free course will show step-by-step to get started on affiliate marketing, how to promote your affiliate programs and generate consistent Internet income and more....
So, for those of you who are interested to start making money online with affiliate marketing, you may start learning it through this free training course.
This affiliate training course was created by Ken Reno from To sign up and get instant to the course, all you need to do is go to his website to enter your name and email address.
12:25 AM |
How To Write A World-Class Bullet That Kills, No Matter What You Offer - Be It A Sales Letter, A Squeeze Page Or Any Other Advertising Publication
This wonderful unique guest post is written by Wong Chendong from The Bad Blogger. Wong shared a lot of great copywriting tips in this post. Hope you enjoy reading it and gain some good information that will help you in making money with online marketing.
If you would like to know a truly excellent and the most effective way to writing bullets that builds mental tension in your prospect to the point which they have to buy your product to discover the answer... then this will be the most important post you will ever read through out the whole day.
And here is why,
Let's face it... Every single marketers online will tell you the headline is the single most important sentence you will ever write in a sales copy or a sales letter, in fact this is so true to all advertising publication in this world. Just because it is so important, almost everyone out there thinks, the very first sentence to write in a sales copy or sales letter is a...
Grabs The Prospects Lapels And
Get Them To Read !
But the truth is "No." Writing a killer headline, should be the last to do. I'm not going to address why the headline should be written last... in this particular post, I will in the future, as for now, I'm going to tell you, the very first thing you need to write in a sales copy or a sales letter and that is...
That Kills !
Yes! You read that right. What I'm referring is a dot or asterisk with a sentence next to it, below is an example of well written world-class bullets:
John Carlton
"The Most Ripped-Off Copywriter On The Web..."
What you have just read from the example above, is a world-class bullets written by John Carlton, and believe it or not, John Carlton, is by far, in my opinion...
In Creating World-Class Bullets
That Tickle The "Prospects Hot Buttons"
To The Point Of Frenzy !
Creating bullets is the very first work you will ever do in creating a superior world-class sales copy or a sales letter. You might be asking why is that so? The fact that it is so, because....
What You Are Selling
From A Sales Copy Or A Sales Letter
For The Most Part Is Because Of
The Quality Of The Bullets !
Before I go deeper into what I'm going to teach you, let me tell you something straight, learning to write a successful set of world-class bullets for your sales copy or sales letter....
A Process !
And "process" takes time, this is not an overnight dream, so it doesn't mean after you had finish reading this post you will be a total professional in writing bullets, like those scam marketers out there told you. The process I'm about to show you is taught by a world top-copywriter named, Gary Halbert, also known by many as the "Prince Of Print." Believe me...
For Whatever Online Business You Had
For The Rest Of Your Life !
The first thing you need to do is to get as many world-class bullets as possible and write each and every word down on paper. The reason for doing that is to get a neurological imprint of writing those world-class bullets..
I highly recommend you to read John Carlton's sales letter and read and write his world-class bullets and keep them as your swipe files.. Believe me, there are no secrets or shortcut to writing a world-class bullets. The only way you'll acquire this skill is through a lot of practice.
The second thing you need is, what I, The Bad Blogger, call...
Seductive Opening Phrase !
I had seen too many sales letter, use too much of the four Ws. The four Ws are, "What," "Why," "When," and "Where." These four Ws have been use to often, and people are sick of reading them. I'm going to give you some of my collection of seductive open phrase, use them well.
Can you guess which seductive opening phrase above is the best to be use in bullets? Believe it or not...
Seductive Opening Phrase
To Be Use For Writing A World-Class Bullet
For The Last 30 Years Or So !
And I will tell you why right now. It is because people do not know how to do what they are doing, in fact "how to" usually give people an "aha!" experience in their mental tension mind. Okay, by now you should had a basic theory of writing a world-class bullet. Now I'm going to go to the last lesson for today and it is...
This is quite the same as writing a bullet, it is an added sentence after the main sentence to tease the prospect. It look something like this:
Believe it or not, the above world-class bullet written by John Carlton will be intrigued by anyone who plays golf. Again I don't have a magic ward that will instantly give you the skill to write teasing brackets, the only way is to... practice and believe me...
Well, I think that's the end for today's lesson, I hope you take my words to heart.
P..S It’s just as hard to write a world-class bullet as it is to become famous and wealthy, all I can say is whatever you do right now, is a process you definitely need to go through before you even get to see the event!
12:24 AM |
An Upcoming Webinar about Squidoo Marketing
Squidoo is a web 2.0 website that I think most of you have heard about. You can create as many content pages as possible in Squidoo with your affiliate links, website or blog urls included in your Squidoo content pages (Squidoo Lens). This way you can promote your affiliate products or website and make money.
You will want your Squidoo pages attract good amount of traffic so that you can direct more targeted visitors to your website, blog or your affiliate product site . But just how you can generate good traffic for your Squidoo pages? Perhaps the upcoming webinar hosted by Bill Wardell will help you out.
Bill Wardell is a Squidoo marketing expert who has used Squidoo to drive thousands of visitors to his sites. In the webinar, he is going to give advices and some great tips about using Squidoo for generating traffic and profit.
The webinar will started on tomorrow (Wednesday) evening at 6 PM EST. You are welcome to join this webinar. Signing up details can be found on
...Read More... Source Alan Liew
12:23 AM |
How Come Most People are Making Money with GDI even though Several People Say is not Easy?
Guest post by Jose L
In my way of learning this secret on how to make money online I found out that there is no secret at all, a good sponsor is the key if you get involve in MLM, and I mean somebody that will actually walk with you and share with you what he or she is doing to be successful, there is a lot to learn about GDI and how it works, that some people completely ignore.
GDI gives everyone the opportunity to earn money through its affiliate program, and here is where people get confuse about GDI and start to ask questions about it even before they get to know what GDI is all about, affiliate programs are free to join and everybody should know this, but GDI is currently offering its affiliate program only to its customers, only to people that buy their product, so what is the product?
GDI is a Web Hosting Services which has a cost of $10 dollars per month, which makes GDI totally legit, note that I am saying this because sometimes people think is just another scam, which is not because you are paying for a product, or buying a product, in this case a service from GDI, so how you make money with GDI?
I am not going to lie about this, but most of the people go to GDI exactly because they want to take advantage of the affiliate program and be able to collect the bonus this company is offering, not for the web hosting service itself, in other words they want to appear in the leaderboard list and they completely forget about everything else, even that they just bought a website and is ready to use, all of this happens because they want to use the affiliate program to get this bonus right away, note that people that appear in the leaderboard list are people that were able to get bonuses, bonus are paid weekly.
I want to share a very simple tip with you, even though I still do not appear in the leaderboard, I am still making money with GDI, like me thousands of people are, and I am going to reveal you the secret, my team call it, TEAM WORK, in our team there is this one person that is always in the leaderboard, he has a website dedicated to our team full of resources, where he actually show us how to be successful, and I am going to tell you why he is doing this, he found out that if he teaches his downline how to be successful they will stay with GDI because they will make money, and if they make money he will too because GDI pays five levels deep.
Having a website is a great tool to make money, perhaps you could use adsense, or you could use affiliate programs to try to monetize your website, I want to be sincere with you and be aware that nothing happens overnight, in fact it will start slow, but will grow eventually, and if you join our team you will not be alone.
Author Bio
You can read a review on how to make money with GDI or you can also go to to learn more by watching a movie explaining everything and to find out how easy is to start with a 7 day free trial.
7:12 AM |
Way to Make Money as a Freelancer
Guest post by Anand Srikantaiah
Freelance writing is a great opportunity for anyone seeking to make money. The great thing about freelance writing is that you can work your own hours. There is no long-term commitment involved and you can pick your own employer. Due to the fact there is always demand for good freelance writers, the good ones receive a lot of assignments and are paid quite well. Some freelance writers especially those who are just starting out, make .01 per word or less, while experienced freelance writers can easily make .10 per word or more.
Here's an example: let's assume that an article consists of 500 words, and if you are getting .10 per word, that's $50 an article. If you can write 4 articles today, that is $200. It's really that simple. Even more so, there are a lot of websites where you can submit your articlces in exchange for a certain amount of money, and you will receive extra commissions if your article becomes popular.
A wise man once said practice makes perfect. This concept is valid when it comes to writing as well. The more you write, the better you get. You will control the language much better. Knowing this, you can easily success when it comes to any job interview, if you'd be interested in something like that. Good writers can use their talents in many places. They can easy score a job as a business salesman, movie writer or journalist. All of these are high paying jobs, definitely something worth keeping in mind. Money does make the world go around, and more and more talented individuals are tempted to pursue this exciting career.
Life is sometimes just like a popularity contest. Writers are often good in conversations. When you can use the language more effectively, you can talk better with people as well and talk about your writing services which convinces potential customers to send work your way.
Being a freelance writer can be considered a full-time job with no commitment. There is simply no better job than this one once you get the hang of things. Being able to work your own hours, write what you want, harness your knowledge and use it to your advantage, get better and still get paid is no job at all. That is more of a childhood fantasy which you can turn into reality. Your life is in your hands. You can work and labor throughout your entire existence and not reap the rewards, but with freelance writing, you see the benefits each day. Simply put, freelance writing is a great opportunity for anyone with a piece of paper, a computer and a dream.
Author Bio
Anand Srikantaiah is a full time freelance writer working from home. For more information on how to succeed as a freelance writer you may visit his blog Data Entry Jobs. Where in he talks about how to make money at data entry job with zero investment.
7:07 AM |
Why A Membership Website Can Explode Your Income
There are many different ways to make money online. You can sale affiliate products, physical goods, hawk your goods on e-bay or earn money as a freelancer. Only your imagination, knowledge and willingness to take a chance will limit your ability to be successful online. One of the best ways to earn a living online is to start and maintain a membership website. Starting a membership website is one way to multiple the profitability of your efforts. Instead of selling one e-book, a few articles or a product to one person, you are able to take those same “goods” and sell them to more then one person. This means less work and more money.
Let me give you an example. If you are a freelancer writer, you may be able to charge anywhere between $5-$10 for one article (depending on where you advertise, how good you are and the amount of experience that you have. For the purpose of this illustration, let’s say that you charge $5 an article. This means that you would be able to sell 10 articles for $50. On the other hand, if you started a content membership website, you could earn much more money with those same 10 articles. If you charged your members $5 a month for 10 articles and you had 100 members, you would be earning $500 for those same 10 articles instead of $50.
As you can see, it is possible to make a great deal of money by simply starting a membership website. Besides, the profitability, membership websites are pretty easy to start. If you have basic html skills, you can create a sales page and then a download page where your members can access their content and/or products.
You have a few options when it comes to payment processors. Two great choices are Paypal and Clickbank. Both companies allow you to bill your members on a monthly basis. You won’t have to worry about collecting payments, this is done for you. This makes things a ton easier and will prevent a lot of headaches.
There are a bunch of niches that would make for a great membership website. You simply need to find a subject that you believe people would be willing to pay money for. Then deliver top notch information. Some good niches might be centered around people who are battling addictions, want to make money online, are interested in losing weight or homeschooling. Any topic that you believe people would want to learn more about and be willing to pay information for would work.
Next, simply provide them with top notch information. You can create short reports or purchase PLR to products or other content that you think would be well received and add them to your membership website. Also, consider providing leads on discounts, sales or free resources. It is important to update your content on a consistent basis so make sure that you are committed to the process or you will have some angry customers on your hands.
Membership websites are a great way to make good money online. It does not take a great number of members for you to do pretty well for yourself financially. Consider if you charged $15 a month for your membership site and you had 100 members, you would be earning $1500 a month. Now say you created more membership sites, you could easily double or triple this amount. If the workload gets too big, simply outsource your tasks.
Membership sites can be a goldmine. They do however, require commitment and consistency. You have to be able to follow through. However, if you are willing, you can do very well for yourself.
7:04 AM |
Making Money Online - Myth, Dream, Reality?
Guest post by Mike Primer
I will explain my experience with a little humor. I was selling online nationally before Google even existed. It was a time when cell phones still came in large black bags the size of a small shoe box. If you're scratching your head because you don't remember those trust me, it was a long time ago.
Over the years I have watch the internet take many crazy twists and turns, but I will admit it has been a fun ride. I hope to give you REAL insight about making money online.
Starter Rules…
1) Find Your Passion
A friend of mine started a deer hunting website a few years ago. It was a "fun hobby". He enjoyed working on it because it was a "passion" and he was an expert. People came to the site because they enjoyed it. Soon he had over 100,000 people a month coming to his website and it now generates him over $1200 a month. The same applies to you. If you don't enjoy it, it won't work.
2) Would You REALLY Buy it?
If you wouldn't buy something and don't TRULY believe in the "product or service" why would you expect others to do the same. A "program" designed to make money will net you nothing. A great product or service will.
3) Is there a Large Audience?
A friend of mine loves soccer. His kids play and he coaches. He ordered training videos from and loved them. He found they had an affiliate program and he posted their banner on all his sites. Guess what? None of his sites were "soccer sites". However, everyone from bank presidents to janitors have kids in soccer. Soon he was generating enough income to pay for his kid's soccer expense. Don't get too narrow.
4) Keep Your Goals Low
Start off thinking you're going to make $10,000 next month and you'll be down in the dumps very soon. Use your efforts as a learning experience to start with. Set your goals VERY low. Make $10 the first week, and then double that the following week. The one thing I have learned is that "learning" is expensive.
Making a NET PROFIT, not just sales…
Finally I think you should make sure that you try and make a net profit. Now, having said that, most people forget to add in their time.
Let me explain. If next month you put in 80 hours into your "new internet business" and made a profit of $600, would you be happy?
Well if you spent $250 on program costs, hosting and advertising that would leave you with a net profit of $350. Divide that by 80 hours and you are getting paid $4.37 an hour. Do this for 5 years and you made $14,800.
Now go get a part-time job making $8 hour for that same period and you would have $38,400.
My point is pretty simple. If you need some extra income, the web is not always the best solution. Find your niche and it will work. Simply "do it to do it" and your better off getting a real job. Pick your passion, fall in love with it, and STICK with it.
7:01 AM |
How Flipping Websites can be a Lucrative Business
Guest post by Althaf
If you visit sites like or, you will notice websites being bought or sold for a lot of money. Sometimes, sites are sold for a few hundred dollars and other times they are sold for a few thousands. The business of selling websites/blogs have known to be very lucrative for a long time.
What makes certain websites to be sold for a lower amount and others for a higher amount. This is what I want to focus on today's article. I hope this brief writing will serve as a reference guide, if ever you plan to get into this business.
There are certain factors that buyers look for when buying a website. Some of them are:
Domain name - If the domain name contains an important keyword or two, then it is more valuable in the eyes of the investor, as it can be easily remembered by the visitors and attract more returned visitors.
Content - I have seen sites that have had duplicate content that have been sold for couple of hundred dollars. These sites basically had a 1000 plus articles in them and were attracting some visitors from Google and other search engines. At the same time, I have seen sites with just 50-100 original articles that were driving tons of targeted keyword traffic from the same search engines. One such site got sold for about $9,000. The differences were the original content and the level of respect the latter site had achieved in Google database.
Traffic - These days you can start a site and get traffic from day 1 through media sites like Digg and Stumbleupon. Stumbleupon especially can get you 50-100 visitors per day easily. The point to note is, that social medial traffic has next to zero conversion. If you are looking for good opt-ins, trying to sell an affiliate product, or expecting few clicks on your AdSense ad, then social medial traffic isn't for you. They are simply blind to these elements. On the other hand, if your website get a steady stream of traffic from search engines, then the conversion percentage is higher. This add tremendous value to your site. There are many sites on the Internet that thrive on search engine traffic, they make over $20,000 in passive (almost) income every month.
There sure are other factors when evaluating a website for investment, such as RSS subscribers if any, bounce rate, average time of engagement, etc. Not everyone looks at these factors as much as they do the above 3 points I mentioned.
The next time you plan to develop a website for flipping (selling), pay attention to the 3 factors I explained above. They could make or break the deal.
6:59 AM |
A New 'Make Money Online' Article that Worth a Read
I recently read a new articles that published on the Internet. The article was written by Derek Gehl from Internet Marketing Center. It talked about how you can make money online in year 2009. So, I though you might be interested to read it as well. Below is the link to the article:
How To Profit From Five Emerging Online Trends In 2009
Derek spent time to research the biggest emerging trends in online business for this year. In the article, he shared about five of the trends that he think are most important for your online business and gave practical tips on what you need to do with your website to take advantage on all five of these trends in order to make great money online.
Each of these trends was discussed in detail with latest information. It definitely will help you survive or increase your income on the Internet in this recession year.
6:58 AM |
Make Money Online with Top Affiliate Programs
Guest post by Khareem
Everyone wants their home internet business to making them as much money as possible. How much money you actually make is determine by the types of affiliate programs you choose to promote on you site, and there is a wide variety of programs you could join. There are so many affiliate programs on the internet that it's so hard to mention all of them. But you will get the best.
Staying relevant to your main niche or subject matter is of course one of the major things you should consider to be successful. Let say for example let's say if you have your health related website showing ads about computer parts, chances are you're not going to get good result. On the other hand if you put ads on that site about diet pills etc. You will stand a better chance at raking in the cash and have you home business running the way it should.
The affiliates that you could join that will help you with your home business and will get you earning a good income if you go about advertise it the right way.
One of the top paying affiliate programs is Clickbank which is a nice generator for huge commission. This program is like a product directory for affiliate programs. Many people become a member of Clickbank in order to promote their products which are digital products such as eBooks, software's etc. After those products are accepted by Clickbank and added to their database of products, webmasters like you and I grab at the opportunity to promote these products and get some commission. If you're looking to start a work from home website or already have a website, I would advise you to take a look at some of the products Clickbank have to offer, just check out the Clickbank market place. If you don't have a website that's not a problem, you could learn how to use Google, yahoo or MSN to start and ad campaign and start promoting the link that they give to you and you will be able to keep track of your sales by jus logging in to your Clickbank account.
Another program is Commission Junction. This company is another one of the leaders in affiliate marketing. Commission Junction provides their affiliates with quality product to promote because the advertisers/Merchants the sells the products are relatively bigger and better developed companies. This is a very good advantage for the affiliates because they can promote products that are reliable and keep their websites trustworthy.
Websponsors is another affiliate program. These costs per action affiliate programs are great for adding revenue to your bottom line through your web site.
One of our favorite income earners for webmasters is Google ad sense. It is very popular website owners and bloggers. With Google you can paste the code into you site and get pays every time someone clicks on it, But one the things you should avoid is clicking those ads yourself. That's a guarantee to get banned from the program. For a starter you can make over $400 dollars a week or maybe even more from Google ad sense.
So if you want to be on the road to making money online with your work from home business then these are some of the programs you could get involved with but remember these programs won't start making money until u start to attract visitors/traffic to your site.
Author Bio:
Khareem is the owner of legit online money.
6:57 AM |
Make Money Online Writing Hubpages
Guest post by Justin Vanhove
If you are looking to make some quick cash online or build some valuable inbound links to your website(or both) you should consider writing hubpages. Hubpages are one of the easiest ways to make money online. Writing a hubpage is virtually the same thing as writing an article but with way more benefits. Most people distribute articles to articles directories for free in exchange for a link to their website.
Then the article directories get to cash in on all your hard work and make money by placing ads next to your article while all you get is 2 inbound links. Well, with a hubpage you get that same valuable link to your website or blog, but you get to keep the money the article makes. Instead of being limited to two links in a small resource box at the bottom of the article you get to place as many links as you want, wherever you want.
Hubpages is a website that allows members to write as many article (referred to as hub pages) and place as many links to their website as they want. The article do not have to be approved and are instantly published with the click of a mouse. Even better, you can still customize your pages with bullets, bold lettering, links, and much more if you know zero html. This website is set up so even the most inexperienced internet marketers can achieve success in making money online and raising link popularity.
5 Ways You Can Make Money Online With A Hubpage
My Success With Hubpages
I started writing hub pages at first just to gain some valuable inbound links to my website to raise my link popularity and increase my search engine rankings. Since I already had a google ad sense I decided I might as well place ads on it can collect a small amount of change. I did not expect to make much money or really any money for that matter.
In 6 months I made $250 from Google ad sense ads alone. It was a pleasant surprise . After that I decided to incorporate all the other monetization models hub pages offers into all my articles. The result was just what I expected. I went from making about $1.50 per day to around $5 per day(roughly $100 a month) when I averaged in the additional revenue from the Kontera text links, amazon products, eBay products, and links I placed to affiliate products.
While it is not much money, it certainly beats writing articles for free and seeing none of the revenue. If you have written any article for article distribution I would recommend distributing those article to hub pages as well. You will earn a fair share of revenue from them not to mention tons of valuable inbound links.
Author Bio
Justin Vanhove is an expert in the field of e-commerce. If you liked this article and want to learn more effective ways to make money online you can click on one of the links in this resource box to go directly to his personal website. There you will find 100s more free ways to make money online. All information is 100% free and aimed to help you succeed with legitimate opportunities.
6:54 AM |
Can You Really Become Rich Filling out Paid Online Surveys?
Guest post by Robert Marsh
In recent years one very popular way to make money online has been the creation of paid surveys. You heard that correct !! You can actually earn cash from filling and completing online surveys and questionnaires on the Internet.
It's really no surprise that this has become so widely popular as there are many Corporations like Mcdonalds and IBM who administer and utilize them to maximize their profitability.. They simply collect and gather information with the help of marketing research companies and pay people like you and me for giving our opinions and preferences about their products and services. This better enables these companies to improve and bring in more long term cash flow and revenue !
With all this survey madness, comes the fact there is a lot of hypsters out there who say you can become filthy rich taking them. You know the ones that say make 10k a month completing Surveys.
Is this True or just down right fiction?
Personally, I have been taking free paid surveys for quite some time and have been able to earn some nice consistent money with them. And I can honestly say without hesitation that you will NOT become filthy rich doing them. PERIOD!
However, I will say that with a little time and work you can really make money online and develop a very generous monthly cash flow of $200 to $1000! Personally, I know a number of individuals who earn in excess of $1,200 month. This is not easy and does require some time and effort to reach that level.
But the important thing to realize is that paid surveys can be a great option to make free money online from the comfort of your home at absolutely NO COST. Just make sure to take the time to find a credible and trusted list of the most legitimate paid surveys to start out with.
Author Bio:
Robert Marsh is a full time Internet Marketer whose main expertise is in the area of Online Surveys and Affiliate Marketing. Take a second to visit him as he teaches you in a step by step easy to understand manner on how to consistently make money with paid online surveys and other popular internet moneymaking programs. Also visit his other Site where he introduces the very best Offer Site to make easy money online with.
6:53 AM |
Why You Need to Learn Niche Marketing to Make Money Online
A niche simply mean a sub-market or a portion of a market. Whether you want to start a content site to earn AdSense income, get into affiliate marketing to promote other people product or start an online business to sell your own product or service, you must first find a profitable niche.
Only after you have decided the niche market you want to focus on, you will know what topic and content to write for, what affiliate programs to join or what product to concentrate on and then build the website to make money online.So, identifying a profitable niche is the foundation. It is the essential step you must take to start making money on the Internet. Thus, you need to take time to learn about it. There are two good ebooks that can guide you in this topic. They are Niche Business Essentials & Niche Profit Blueprint written by Jean Philippe Schoeffel . These e-books contain a lot of tips and ideas on choosing profitable niches, marketing your website and generating income for your niche website.
You may download these e-books free at The content and information of the books will definitely help you to succeed in making money online with niche marketing.
6:52 AM |
Quickly Increase Your Website’s Inbound Links By Spying On Your Competition
Guest post by Justin Vanhove
If you are a website owner or if you have a blog you know that getting inbound links can be a tedious process. Even more tedious is that you have to find relevant links. Most webmaster’s obtain their links from link exchanges, getting accepted into online directories, distributing articles to article directories, and submitting links to social bookmarking websites.
Those are all great ways of getting in pointing links to your website or blog. However, it is not an efficient process and can be quite time consuming. It takes a lot of time to find relevant websites to submit your articles to, directories to submit your site or blog to, and contact webmasters to see if they are interested in exchanging links. Social bookmarking is the only real method that does not take a whole lot of time.
Enough about that, the rest of the post is about how you can build links faster and more efficiently.
First identify exactly what your website is about. This should not be a problem if you built your site/blog around a niche. Then go to the four major search engines. They are Google, Yahoo, Live, and Ask which account for over 95% of all online searches. Type in your website’s primary keyword or the keyword of your homepage. Write down the four websites that rank number one in each major search engines results page. You will end up with exactly four websites, one for each search engine unless a website ranks at the top of more than one major search engine.
Then find out where they got their links from. That will explain a lot about why they are at the top. In almost all cases the websites at the top of search result pages have tons of relevant links. That is the only way to rank high for competitive keywords. To find where their links came from you can use a host of free tools that are available online. Do not pay for this information. You can get it for free.
I use a free tool called Search It. It is provided by which is a popular online company that specializes in the website building niche. The tool was originally created only for customers of the company. Recently it has been used by the company as a marketing tool, a tool to build credibility for Sitesell and eventually lead to more sales. That is why it is now free.
You can use Search It for a number of things. One of the things you can use it for is to find the back links of your competition. That is what I primarily use it for and it has saved me tons of time. Instead of having to search for inbound link opportunities I can get a huge list of them in a minute. A search of a website’s back links is more like a link opportunity search than just wanting to know where they got their links from. Rather than having to perform tons of searches for relevant inbound links opportunities you will have a list of 10,000 or more and can zoom through the process.
Other than links from random websites who just happen to like that site, all other links will be prime link opportunities. Also, since you are researching the links of the top websites in your niche chances are those links will be highly relevant. Highly relevant links are given more weight and are worth more to the search engines. The higher the page rank and relevancy of the link are what determine how much a particular link is worth when ranking pages for search results.
When doing this you will still be obtaining most of your links through article distribution, online website directories, and social bookmarking. Instead of having to go out and look for them they come to you in less than a second. The only thing you will have to find on your own manually is webmaster’s that will agree to exchange links. As for link exchanges they may not worth the time and effort depending on who you exchange links with. As a rule if a website has more links than you it will be worth a exchange. If not it will not be worth your time.
Now days search engines are getting more advanced and it is important to have one way links. Those are links from a website that you do not link to, therefore making it not a link exchange. That adds a lot of extra weight to the links ultimately boosting search engine rankings. In short you want one way links because they are the most valuable links. This method will help you accomplish just that and do it in a timely process.
Author Bio
If you would like to learn more you can make money online and make money on the internet. As for the search it tool you can do a quick google search and download it or visit one of the links above and download it for free. The links above will take you to my homepage. The download link can be found by clicking on the “free tools” button on the left side navigation bar. Thank you for reading and I hope the technique in this post saves you as much time as it has saved me.
6:51 AM |
Two Pricing Mistakes to Avoid When Making Money on eBay
It can be very simple to become successful when it comes to running an eBay business to make money online. This is especially true if you have already established a good reputation as a seller on eBay. However, running an eBay business can be quite frustrating if you are just starting out. Below are a few simple tips you can follow to make money with your eBay business even if you are just starting out.
Setting the right starting price for your product is among the most important things you can do to be successful with your eBay business. There are two mistakes you must steer clear of when setting your starting price. The first is setting a price much higher than your competitors and the second is setting is too low compared to its value.
When you set your starting price much higher than your competitors, you quickly lose the interest of your potential bidders. For this reason, it is imperative for anyone who has an eBay business to study the selling behavior of their competitors. Check out other sellers with similar items as what you are offering with your eBay business. From there, you will have a better idea of how high you should set your own starting prices.
Setting your starting prices too low, on the other hand, will keep you from your potential to make money online. You should always consider the value of your product when you have an eBay business. Whenever you feel your product has much more value than your competitor’s starting prices, you can set your price low as well. However, you must be sure to utilize eBay’s Reserve Price feature. This will allow you to attract more bids and sell your item only when the reserve price you set has been met.
These are two of the most important things for you to take note of when you truly want to make money out of your own eBay business. By steering clear of these pricing mistakes, you can surely achieve your potential to make money online.
6:50 AM |
Stop Being Fooled By Cash Generating "Systems"
Guest post by Bruce Alan
If you are searching for ways to make money online you will undoubtedly come across countless money making "systems" on the Internet. These ebooks or programs all promise to make you more money than you probably think is possible. The word "system" is used a lot because that almost makes it sound like a machine that does the work for you while you sit back and reap the rewards. A system might be a set of instructions that anyone can follow and replicate over and over to make good money. This sounds very enticing to the uninitiated searcher of information.
Everyone hunting for money making ideas would love to find a real "system" to generate cash online. We are all looking for the easy way out and that is why lotteries are so popular across the world. It is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking that there is some secret out there that the rest of the world knows about that we don't that could change our lives. This is the mindset that Internet marketers prey upon.
Unfortunately, the only system that really works is plain old hard work along with an understanding of some basic online principles. You will find that in most cases, those that succeed online have not done so by accident. For instance, this blog ranks #1 for the Google search term "make money online" which is searched for more than a fair amount of times everyday. That search term is widely sought after among Internet marketers and it is by no fluke that this blog is on top. Alan did not get to the top by mistake or by some stroke of luck but by hard work. A prolonged solid linking campaign along with frequent posting has proven to pay off for him along with patience and perseverance. It did not happen overnight and your path to online success will not happen right away either.
No matter how many times people are warned about online scams and systems that don't deliver, they will undoubtedly continue to be fooled by Internet marketers who are masters of enticing advertising that sounds too good to pass up. If you are one of those that just has to buy the next money making ebook or system, I suggest two things. First, make sure it has a money back guarantee which you can take advantage of if you need to. Second, always click out of the online ad once to see if a discount coupon comes up. Many online money making ebooks and programs will give you a discount of $10.00 up to one half off if they think you are leaving without purchasing. So if you must have that ebook, at least try to get it for a discounted amount if you can.
Bruce Alan is the author of a work from home jobs website where he is hoping to someday quit his real day job and work exclusively from home.
6:49 AM |
MoneyMakerInfo's Traffic Went up 40%
This blog is getting more targeted traffic from Google. My SiteMeter traffic counter shows that there is about 40% increase in Google traffic for the past four days. The unique visitors of MoneyMakerInfo has moved up to 1,420 daily for the past four days compared to the 1,000 daily unique visitors I used to get previously.
However, I haven't able to monetize these additional traffic effectively. My AdSense income hasn't grown much. I'm thinking how I can turn these targeted traffic into more revenue.
This is a good opportunity for you to publish a guest post on MoneyMakerInfo. You are going to get more traffic from your guest post that publishes here. The traffic can make you money. You can convert the traffic into AdSense income or turn them into lead or opt-in subscribers so that you can promote your affiliate programs effectively.
You will also get two permanent anchor text links to a similar website. MoneyMakerInfo is currently ranking no.1 for the keyword 'make money online', 'make money' and top 3 rankings for many other related keywords in Your permanent anchor text links in this blog will help increase your search engine positions.
More details about how to submit guest post to MoneyMakerInfo can be found here.
For advertisers, I believe everyone has enjoyed a satisfying amount of traffic especially for the last few days. Hope that these traffic has benefited your business.
So, you can get a share of the 1,420 daily unique visitors of MoneyMakerinfo that can make you more money online. There are two options for you. You can either publish a guest post which will feature on the homepage for about 5 days or if you want to get a lot more targeted traffic, placing a banner ad on MoneyMakerInfo is your best choice.
7:54 PM |
Make Money Online by Buying and Selling Domain Names
Guest Post by The Old VIC
There are many ways you can make money online, one way which you may not have considered, but where big money is possible, is by buying and selling domain names.
The idea is simple, you buy a domain name e.g., you list it for sale, at the industry auction sites such as Sedo or Afternic (or possibly even eBay) someone offers you a vast amount of money for it and you sell it. Well, that’s the idea, the reality is somewhat more prosaic.
To sell the domain names you buy, you will probably need to actively market them i.e. find the e-mail addresses of people that you think may be interested in your name and fire off an e-mail. If you’re lucky or the name you have is an obviously excellent name then you will get an answer saying something along the lines of “How much do you want for your name?”, which is when negotiations begin.
So what is an ‘excellent domain name’. Generally, they are dot coms (dot coms are worth around ten times as much as dot nets) and they are generic e.g.,,
How much are generic dot coms worth? Well, the highest sale so far in 2008 is which sold for the tidy sum of $9.9 million, came in at number 5 and sold for $1.015 million, on the other hand was number 53 and sold for $130,000. Sales are reported every week over at where you can also see a list of the highest selling names of the year.
You may have seen the iReport channel on CNN. Where did they get the name iReport from? They bought it from self-styled ‘Domain King’ Rick Schwartz for $750,000. Rick Schwartz is one of the most successful and well-known of the domainers in the domain name industry. Other big names to look for are Kevin Ham, who has a portfolio of domain names worth around $300 million, Frank Schilling, Sahar, Rick Latona, Yun Ye who sold his portfolio of domain names for $164 million and many more. All these guys have interesting tales of how they got to be where they are by simply buying domain names, hanging on to them for a while then selling them on for a profit.
So what sort of names should you buy? As mentioned above, generic names are the best but of course most of the dot coms are already gone. So if you want a good generic name you may have to buy it off the person who already owns it. Alternatively you can wade through long lists of names that are dropping (i.e. not being renewed) at places like TDNam and Snapnames. Or of course you can try and discover a gem that no-one else has registered (very difficult as all dictionary word dot coms were registered long ago).
A word of warning, some registrars are unscrupulous and if they see you have looked for a name but not registered it, they will then ‘reserve’ it for you, by which they really mean block it and sell it to you for an inflated price. Do a search on network solution front running. Godaddy are the biggest for registering domains and they seem to be OK, but if you do find a good name that isn’t registered you would be well-advised to register it quickly as there are very few secrets on the Internet. The price for registering a dot com is around $10, but do a search for ‘discount codes’ and you will probably find coupons that will give you a 20% discount. If you use the code 199TEST with Godaddy you should be able to register a domain name for 99 cents, but it only works once. Bear in mind also that there is a 5 day ‘grace period’ and if you change your mind registrars will often cancel your domain name and refund the fee if you ask nicely.
More words of warning, steer clear of trademarked names i.e. stuff like Google, Microsoft, Armani etc... you will only cause yourself a lot of trouble.
While waiting for your names to sell you can either develop the name into a blog or a site or you can ‘park’ them . Parking them is a simple way of creating a page with some ads. on which may or may not bring in some money while you wait to sell your domain. You need to sign up with a ‘parking’ company. The easiest one to sign up with is Namedrive. In an interesting development Google has decided to set up its own parking service. This after previously criticizing parking companies as offering no value and being of no use etc.... Now that Google has set up its own parked pages it appears that parking domain names is cool. Go figure. (From what I hear though, most domainers are not recommending Google’s parked service due to the many complications involved.)
For more information about the whole domain name business you can visit forums like NamePros. To see what sort of prices domain names have been selling for check out DNSalePrice.
This is only an introduction to domain name trading but it gives the basic ideas. There are people who have made millions from domains, and in my opinion successful domainers make lots of money but it does take a lot of work, particularly if you are just starting out.
7:52 PM |
Why You are Able to Use Facebook's Viral Nature to Bring More Traffic to Your Site and Make Money Online?
Guest post by Claude Laloi
Facebook is a popular, free-access social networking" site. Facebook started in 2004 and since then the company has had many success. Did you know Facebook has 140 million active users? Facebook can be use to boost your traffic in a viral nature. Here are some basics to get you started with using Facebook to make money online.
Here are some important components to getting traffic on Facebook.
Why is Facebook viral?
The "News feed" and "wall" are the core components behind the viral nature of Facebook. It can be use, if you know what you are doing to get more traffic and make you more money. How you might say? Well, understanding how to use the News feed and wall will allow you to increase traffic to your site by sharing content to your Facebook friends list and their friends' list.
What is the News feed?
The News feed is a unique combination of recently published items by a user's friends. The News feed is the first thing every Facebook user sees when they first log in the system. Most action you or your friends take is posted on the News feed.
When you make a comment, post a picture, share links, and even when you create events they may show up on the News feed. Facebook uses an algorithm to determine what appears on your News feed and it has to do more with your interested, rather then every single post appearing on users News feed
What is the Wall?
The Wall shows a constant updated feed of content and actions related to the profile user. Almost all of the content related to the user is posted on the wall. Everyone who has a Facebook account has a Wall. Some examples of what can be posted on your Wall:
* All messages left by your friends
* Recently tag images
* Updates to your profile
* Comments you made
The difference between the Wall and the News feed is that with the Wall you have to click on your friends name or profile to view what's on the Wall. The News feed is the first thing you see when you log in.
What's the big deal about the News feed and Wall? Why is it so important I know about them?
The key to using the News feed and Wall is to get a lot of good quality content posted to your Wall. This will increase the chance the item will appear on your friends News feed. In order to make it all work you need friends.
Many people fail to understand how to use Facebook to get more traffic and hopefully make money online. If you can learn to leverage this medium you can bring more traffic to your site and make more sales.
Author bio
You can learn more great up to date traffic suggestions and ideas for making money online by following my blog. The Internet is evolving and if you don't keep yourself up to date on what's working you will be left behind.
7:50 PM |
Upcoming Free Webinar: Internet Wealth Predictions For 2009
Earlier I posted a link to Derek Gehl's new video that talks about how to make money online in this recession year. Derek has given some good money making content in the video with tips on what you can do to make more than just survive in year 2009.
Further to this video, Derek will host a webinar 'Internet Wealth Predictions For 2009' next week to give you more tips and detailed information about making money online in the recession year.
In this 60-minute webinar, Derek will be sharing his personal predictions for online marketing in 2009. He will explain how you can expect to profit from the 14% estimated increase in Internet spending - despite the current economic decline...
He will also reveal what Internet trends and technologies that are going to be hot moneymakers in 2009.
Plus much more!
To sign up for attending this call, visit:
Derek Gehl has made millions of dollars from Internet marketing. He is one of the leading Internet marketing experts now. So, this live event is going to attract a lot of attendants. But the capacity of this live event is limited to the first 1000 registrants. So, be hurry to register if you like to attend this call.
7:45 PM |
Make Money Online by Selling a Downloadable Product
Guest post by Mike Lightner
One of the best ways to make money online is to sell a real product. Out of all the possible products, the best would be a product that can be downloaded. If this is not possible… for instance if you are into making t-shirts or auto parts, then you can still use the internet for marketing and advertising. However, the main focus of this post is on finding a type of product that can be sold on the internet and be a source of passive income. If you think like most of us… you want to achieve a lifestyle where money flows into your bank account with little to no work. There are thousands of people who have became rich by selling downloadable products online. Most of them have the entire system automated.
So now you might be wondering, what in the world are you going to sell and how?
The best products to sell online are information, e-books, audio, video, software, pictures, web, templates, newsletters and memberships.
All the above products can be downloaded except for 9. (which doesn't even need to be downloaded)
Unless you are an experienced webmaster, I recommend choosing a product from 1-8. Selling memberships is something that you will do in the case of having a very popular website.
Most of the items I listed are also relatively easy to make, except number 5, software. However, if you know anything about programing then you can make a fortune by selling your own software online.
Now that you have an idea of something that you can sell, the next step is to make a website and start getting traffic. You will be hooked the first time that you make a sale while you are asleep. Imagine going on vacation and your product still being bought 24/7 while you lay on the beach?
Author bio
Mike Lightner, a web developer and entrepreneur, is starting a new insurance community website based on insurance discussion. The new website Insurance Forum is a place for people meet up, learn from each other, save money, and talk about insurance issues.
7:18 AM |
Can We Make Money Online in This Recession Year
2009 will be a year of economic recession. Making money is going to be harder and the cost of living is getting higher due to the price increase of products and services.
However, the online spending is predicted to be increasing 14% in year 2009. This is a good news for those who make money online. If you can start and grow a profitable online business, then you may still make great income even in this recession year.
Derek Gehl from has released a goal setting video that is going to help you do more than just survive in 2009. The video will help you find out how you can make 2009 your richest year. You can access the video from the below link:
In the video page, Derek also included a free gift. It is a step-by-step eBusiness Success Blueprint Calendar where you can follow to grow a $10,000 per month online business with multiple streams of online income in 2009.
If you are thinking about making money online in this new year or just wanting to know how to survive on the Internet, take some time to watch Derek's video and read his eBusiness Success Blueprint Calendar. I'm sure you'll get some advice and practical tips you can use.
7:18 AM |
Make Money Online by Flipping Blogs
Guest post by Roxanne Manning
There has been tons of talk the last few years in internet marketing circles concerning flipping websites and for good reason. Flipping websites is a really simple way to earn money online. With so many grand promises of big money with minimal work, flipping websites really is a very straight forward and fairly easy way to make money. If you can write a few articles, create a Wordpress blog on your own domain name, then you are on your way. Add content to your site, monetize it and then flip it. The more money you can generate prior to selling it, the higher your asking price will be.
But what about people who can handle content creation but know absolutely nothing about website development and who aren’t comfortable with Wordpress? Is there a way for them to successfully flip websites? The answer is a resounding yes. They can write the content themselves and then read the free Wordpress blog installation tutorials available on the Internet. One blog tutorial site that is very useful for beginner is It provides 10 free tutorials that teach you everything you need to know to set up a Wordpress blog successfully.
You can change the look and design of your Wordpress blog any time without paying a single dime. There are many free Wordpress templates online that have very attractive designs and are appropriate for a number of subjects. Simply download the blog template and upload it to your blog and your blog will have a new look.
If you still need help in the technical aspect, consider using some of the top freelance websites to find freelancer to assist you. Internet marketing forums are another great place to find people that can help you with your Wordpress blog.
It is suggested that you do some research about the best plugins to use for your blog. If you commit a couple of hours to researching the best way to build your blogs, this will be a skill set that you can use for a long time.
Next, make sure that you have your blog monetized. Go to Clickbank and find a few hot affiliate products and copy their banner codes to your blog. If someone else is managing your blog, then send them the code. You may also want to use text links in lieu of a banner. Add Adsense in strategic spots for an additional source of income.
Advertise your blog using traditional internet marketing methods such as press releases, articles, pay-per-click and social networking websites to build traffic and incoming links for your blog. Then sell it for about 6-9 months revenue. If you create several blogs, you can sell them in bulk and make a good amount of money.
There is a lot of money to be made in flipping blogs. That’s it. With this information, you can start making money with Wordpress blogs immediately. Remember, it will require that you be able to generate some traffic and income. However, once you do that, you may start selling it to a buyer who wants to purchase a website that is already making money.
7:17 AM |