Why You are Able to Use Facebook's Viral Nature to Bring More Traffic to Your Site and Make Money Online?
Guest post by Claude Laloi
Facebook is a popular, free-access social networking" site. Facebook started in 2004 and since then the company has had many success. Did you know Facebook has 140 million active users? Facebook can be use to boost your traffic in a viral nature. Here are some basics to get you started with using Facebook to make money online.
Here are some important components to getting traffic on Facebook.
Why is Facebook viral?
The "News feed" and "wall" are the core components behind the viral nature of Facebook. It can be use, if you know what you are doing to get more traffic and make you more money. How you might say? Well, understanding how to use the News feed and wall will allow you to increase traffic to your site by sharing content to your Facebook friends list and their friends' list.
What is the News feed?
The News feed is a unique combination of recently published items by a user's friends. The News feed is the first thing every Facebook user sees when they first log in the system. Most action you or your friends take is posted on the News feed.
When you make a comment, post a picture, share links, and even when you create events they may show up on the News feed. Facebook uses an algorithm to determine what appears on your News feed and it has to do more with your interested, rather then every single post appearing on users News feed
What is the Wall?
The Wall shows a constant updated feed of content and actions related to the profile user. Almost all of the content related to the user is posted on the wall. Everyone who has a Facebook account has a Wall. Some examples of what can be posted on your Wall:
* All messages left by your friends
* Recently tag images
* Updates to your profile
* Comments you made
The difference between the Wall and the News feed is that with the Wall you have to click on your friends name or profile to view what's on the Wall. The News feed is the first thing you see when you log in.
What's the big deal about the News feed and Wall? Why is it so important I know about them?
The key to using the News feed and Wall is to get a lot of good quality content posted to your Wall. This will increase the chance the item will appear on your friends News feed. In order to make it all work you need friends.
Many people fail to understand how to use Facebook to get more traffic and hopefully make money online. If you can learn to leverage this medium you can bring more traffic to your site and make more sales.
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You can learn more great up to date traffic suggestions and ideas for making money online by following my blog. The Internet is evolving and if you don't keep yourself up to date on what's working you will be left behind.