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Earn Monthly Revenue From MIVA

If you have a Web site, MIVA MC (Monetization Center) can help you earn more revenue from your blog. With MIVA MC, Pay-Per-Click Ads are included on your site and you earn revenue when users click on the Ads. MIVA MC provide different Pay Per Click Ads are In Line Pay-Per-Click Ads, Content Ads and Search Ads within your content.

MIVA MC publisher network is free to join, Lets you include Pay-Per-Click Ads both alongside and within your content. You can choose any combination of Content Ads, InLine Ads or Search Ads for your web site. So, even if you already have advertising on your site you can choose the different ad formats using to your site, and deliver even more revenue.

InLine Ads:

With MIVA InLine Ads, keywords within your web site copy are highlighted. When a user interacts with these words, Pay-Per-Click Ads relevant to the keyword are shown. Implement InLine Ads to deliver even more revenue. MIVA MC makes it simple to include Ads matched exactly to the content of your web pages, and earn revenue when users click on them.

Content Ads:

With Content Ads you can include keyword-targeted Pay-Per-Click Ads next to your web site content and earn revenue when a user clicks on them. They lets you select the keywords that trigger your Ads.

Search Ads:

Monetize Web searches by integrating Pay-Per-Click Ads into search result pages that stay on your site and reflect the look and feel of your brand.

MIVA provide powerful reporting functionality allows you to quickly and easily generate reports by date and by implementation. The end of the month balance is over $25. You can choose to receive payments check or PayPal. ...Read More...

Source Alan Liew