Learning Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Where to Start?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the important things you need to do when making money on the Internet. SEO will improve your website and blog performance and rankings in Google so that you can get more targeted traffic and generate more online income.
There are many free guide, ebooks and reports about SEO. Some are good and giving accurate information and other are just promotional e-books offering limited content. It is going to take you a lot of time to find out which one you can rely on.
However, there is one SEO e-book that can't be wrong. It is the SEO Starter Guide released by Google in last month. Google is the one who set the rules on how to rank websites and blogs in their search engine. So, definitely, their SEO Started Guide will provide you the precise information and tips on how to optimize your website to become Google friendly and improve ranking in Google.
SEO starter Guide teaches you to effectively change and optimize your website for improving Google ranking. Whether you are beginners or an experienced web publishers, you can follow the tips on SEO started guide when optimizing your web pages for SEO.
SEO involves on-page optimization and off-page optimization. The SEO Started Guide covered all the aspects of on-page optimization. on-page optimization is necessary and will help increase your Google ranking but not enough for getting your website ranked on first page on Google.
You need to do off-page optimization if you want a top ten ranking. Off-page optimization is about building relevant backlinks for your website. You need as many relevant backlinks as possible. It takes time and works when building links. But once your website reached top in Google, you could be getting a lot of free targeted and making decent amount of cash from the traffic.There is one SEO expert teaching off-page optimization. His name is Brad Callen, the creator of SEO Elite software tool. In his sale website of SEO Elite, he is offering a free 7 day SEO cource. You may sign up for the course anytime at http://www.seoelite.com. The course teaches you about off-page optimization but also covers on-page optimization at the beginning.
SEO forums also are also helpful to you. If you have questions or need advice, you can ask it in SEO forum like http://forums.seochat.com and http://www.webproworld.com.